The SJCCA managing board reserves the right to alter this agreement for the benefit of the SJCCA
Two (2) hour minimum rental
All rental fees and deposits are due at the time the reservation is made. The date will not be reserved on the SJCCA calendar until fees and deposits are paid. The deposit will be returned to the renter within 48 hours if the facility is returned in the same condition as at the start of the rental. Any remaining rental fees will be due no later than 48 hours following the rental.
Renting organization is responsible for all facility setup, breakdown and cleanup for event.
All or a portion of the rental deposit may be retained by the SJCCA for damages or additional cleanup required resulting from the rental.
No music or noise is permitted outside the building after 9:30 PM. The facility must be left in broom clean condition. Grounds must be litter free including cigarette butts. Chairs and tables are to be arranged as they were upon arrival. Do not stack tables or chairs against walls or furniture. All trash is to be put in the dumpster; do not drag trash across the shuffleboard courts. Please damp-mop floor spills.
Tacks, staples or tape must not be used on tables, walls or ceilings.
The kitchen, including all appliances and equipment used, is to be left spotlessly clean. Use of the kitchen does not include consumables such as: coffee, tea, paper or plastic dishes or utensils.
Extra amounts of toilet tissue, paper towels, trash bags, and use of mop/bucket will be provided upon request without charge.
Smoking is not permitted in the SJCCA building.
Alcoholic beverages may be consumed in the building or on the grounds ONLY if the renter purchases LIQUOR LIABILITY INSURANCE. Insurance can be purchased on the NASEP wedding insurance at the following website Renter must name St. James City Civic Association as an "additional insured" and provide a certificate of insurance to the SJCCA rental coordinator prior to the rental. The limits of liability must be at least $500,000/$1,000,000. The sale of alcoholic beverages requires a county permit. You are required to provide this permit to the SJCCA renter point of contact prior to the rental.
The SJCCA board of directors reserves the right to post one or more security guards at events.
If any uninsured damages to the building or grounds are caused by carelessness, misuse of or neglect on the part of the renter or any guest, visitor or customer of the renter, the renter agrees to pay the cost of all repairs within thirty (30) days.
The users are required to secure the building, turn off the lights and air conditioning system(s) before vacating the building, no later than midnight, locking and securing all doors as agreed with the SJCCA renter point of contact.